Thursday, January 26, 2012

insanity + p90x = ?

Today I started the "doubles" portion of my P90X schedule. It usually includes two workouts a day (usually cardio combined with weight training and abs). Other days it's either Plyo or Kenpo. Either way, it's intense!

I also started Insanity! It's perfect timing because today until the end of P90X is 60 days and the Insanity program is 60 days as well! I'll be finishing both on 28 March.

Here was the breakdown of today's activities: 
Woke up and did Cardio X (P90X). Took a shower and went to class.
Came back from class and did the Fit Text (Insanity) and Chest, Shoulders, & Tris and Ab Ripper X (P90X). Took a shower and went to another class.
Came back and ran 2.1 miles in the rain around the City College loop.

What a great day of workouts! Tomorrow I only have 1 workout for P90X and 1 for Insanity, so it will be a lighter day.

Keep running!


  1. i keep meaning to give this to you, but if you have yet to discover this guy and his podcasts-- you're welcome! he's fab-- i am hooked.

  2. I just got lost for 45 minutes on that blog. LOVE IT!

  3. And I subscribed to his podcasts. Tomorrow's commute is going to be awesome!
