Sunday, February 26, 2012

febapple frozen 50k race report

At mile 21. One more 10M loop to go.
Today I was meant to be running the Ugly Mudder 7.5M trail race in Reading. After waking up and barely being able to move I realized that I am neither Dean Karnazes nor Marshall Ulrich and would not be able to run the race today. I'm really bummed, but life goes on (or, to be grammatically correct, wouldn't that phrase have to be "but onwards life goes"?...I digress.).

So I decided I would revisit the Febapple Frozen 50K that I ran yesterday. 

Woke up early (5AM) to get out of the city and to Maplewood, NJ for the 7AM start. My lovely wife also work up early to come with me. What a lady! 

Because I woke up so early and had to get to the race, I didn't have time to eat anything. I thought that may go to my disadvantage, but it actually worked out well. I had a gel and a banana before the start and felt fine throughout the race.

The race was on the trails of the South Mountain Reserve in Maplewood, NJ. The 50K was run on a 10M loop (plus a short 1M out and back at the beginning). I didn't think I would like the idea of a loop, but I ended up really enjoying it, especially during the final loop as I knew what kind of terrain was coming up.

It was a really windy day in the Northeast, so I had to battle some pretty strong (and cold!) winds at some points during the race, but for the most part it wasn't too windy as the trees and mountains kept the wind from really picking up. It snowed lightly at some points, but overall it was a really nice day to run: not too cold and not too warm.

The first two loops weren't bad at all. I felt relatively fresh and was able to run most of the uphills as well as the downhills. I started getting pretty wiped out at around mile 25, but since I knew what type of terrain was upcoming and since I knew there was only 6 miles left, I kept pushing.

Overall the race was pretty good. The trail was a good mix of wide, rolling sections, technical uphill and downhill sections, and a few pretty big climbs. Normal fair for a trail race in the Northeast. It had rained the night before, so there were some pretty muddy sections of the course. The rain also caused some confusion as the course was marked with flour the night before the race. It was a bit frustrating at some points because it was hard to figure out the markings. I much prefer races that use flour AND flags to mark the course. It's much easier to find your way with flags than with wet flour that has been mostly washed away over night.

The aid stations were well stocked with various snacks, water, cola, and Hammer gels and drinks. The race t-shirt is a nice, long-sleeved tech shirt, but there was no finisher's medal or prize. A bit disappointing (even if it is vain).

All in all, it was a pretty good race. I still enjoyed the NorthFace 50k at Bear Mountain and the Blues Cruise 50k more, but I'm glad I did this race. It beat me up, but it served it's purpose to get me closer to my 50 Miler that I'm doing in May.

Keep running!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

weekend (and week-beginning) workouts

I apologize to my three readers for not posting this weekend. Things got away from me and I simply forgot. But I have not been slacking off, I promise! I've been doing my P90X and Insanity workouts everyday as well as running everyday (haven't missed a day all year!). I was even able to get Liz to do P90X Yoga X on Sunday. She was sore the following day, but she said she wants to keep doing it on Sundays. 

My mileage for the days I missed blogging were: Friday 2.7m, Saturday 2.9m, Sunday, 2.8m, Monday 2m, and today 2m. 

I have two races this weekend (which is why I'm keeping my mileage down): Febapple Frozen 50k trail race on Saturday and the Ugly Mudder 7.5m trail race on Sunday. Should be a great weekend!

I leave you with a video that introduces you to Marshall Ulrich. His exploits are incredible: from summitting Everest multiple times to running Bad Water UNSUPPORTED (he used an ice cream cart that he pushed and pulled through Death Valley to Mt. JULY!).

Keep running!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

short post

A short post for a pretty short day of workouts. I wanted to wake up early to pump out a nice 10k before classes, but I woke up too late to do so. I went to classes, came home and did Pure Cardio (Insanity) and Yoga X (P90X). After my afternoon classes I did a short run in the rain around the City College loop (2m). 

To keep with my "short" theme, I leave you with the trailer for Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's new venture: "Life's Too Short." I've seen the entire first season (via BBC) which begins this Sunday on HBO. It's absolutely hilarious. Keep running!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

linsane in the membrane

I'm a Boston sports fan. It's how I was raised. It's who I am. I love the Sox (pronounced "Sawx"), Pats, Cs, and Bs. So, naturally, I hate all NY based sports teams. It kills me to say that I have been swept up in the "LINsanity" surrounding Jeremy Lin. Not because I don't like him (he did, after all, attend Harvard which is right across the Charles River from Beantown), but because he's a Knick.

I don't care. I love the story. I love what he is doing for the game of basketball. The NBA needed a story like this after the crap they pulled this past fall with the strike/lockout fiasco. I love NBA basketball. I used to "like" it until I read Bill Simmons' book "The Book of Basketball." Now I'm a huge fan.

Anyway, all that aside, I did manage to get my workouts and runs in these past few days (I apologize for not blogging yesterday, but my full attention was on my wife). 

Yesterday I did Cardio Power (Insanity), Kenpo X (P90X), and ran 3.5m. 

Today I did Stretch X (P90X), Plyo Circuit (Insanity), and ran 2.1m. 

It's meant to rain tomorrow, but it looks like it will be later in the afternoon. I'm going to try to get a 6–8m run in the morning before classes.

I leave you with a video highlighting the biggest race series in the world, Warrior Dash, which is a production of the best company in the world, Red Frog Events, for whom I will be working in May! Keep running!

Monday, February 13, 2012

all work

Today I woke up early (5a) and caught the 6.01a train to Princeton to work the entire day. I got home a little after 5p and cooked dinner for my beautiful wife (I have to add those romantic adjectives because Valentine's Day is tomorrow). Needless to say, the last thing I wanted to do was go for a cold, night run and work out.

But I sucked it up and am glad I did. I went out for a 2m run around the City College loop and then got back and did Ab Ripper X. I'm moving my other P90X and Insanity workouts back a day, which cancels out my rest day on Wednesday (Monday's workouts to Tuesday; Tuesday's workouts to Wednesday). It's worth it so that I won't miss a workout.

I decided that I need to stop snacking after dinner. I usually enjoy some sunflower seeds or popcorn (the latter being my favorite). I think that will help in my weight loss journey. I'm definitely going to be cutting the calories over the next few weeks. I want to drop at least 5lbs by next weekend for my 50k on Sat and a 7.5m trail run on Sun.

I leave you with Anton's video promoting the NB Minimus (my go-to running shoes). Enjoy and keep running!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

jack frost

It was a cold one today in NYC. I woke up early looking at getting out for a run, but it was extremely cold and windy (15 degrees, windchill to 8 degrees at 6.30a). So I decided to do Yoga X (P90X) and then Cardio Recovery (Insanity), which were good to get me loose for my run.

I finally got out to do my run around 11a after spending some time cleaning the apartment since Liz gets home from Chicago tonight.

The first 10 miles felt alright, but then my knees started hurting and the weather (20 degree wind chill...and it was WINDY!) started taking a toll. I ended up with a 12.5m run because I honestly couldn't imagine running around Central Park one more time. I love the park, but running loops is boring and running on the road is miserable.

So, it was a bit disappointing I didn't hit my 20m goal, but I feel good about it anyway. Running on trails is so much easier on my body than running on roads. I ran like a beast in the fall of 2010 and never felt my knees hurt until I ran the Harrisburg Marathon (100% roads) that fall. It beat me up. 

I hate road running.

I leave you with a funny video that reminds us all not to be that awkward runner. Keep running!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today marks day 45 of P90X, which means I'm halfway through the program. I definitely feel a lot better. I have more energy, I can feel my body tightening up, and can definitely see results. I'm also 15 days into Insanity and can definitely feel results, especially in my cardio and in my abs. I'm also half way to my weight loss goal. I started at 196lbs and am now 181lbs as of my latest weigh in (which was nearly a week ago...I weigh in again tomorrow). I'm positive that I'm going to hit my goal and am more determined after doing 45 days!

This morning I did Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs (Insanity). I then did Back & Biceps as well as Ab Ripper X (P90X). I then got some work done and went for a 6.27m run around Central Park. I'm now over 1,000 miles on my Nike+ profile (which I started last April). I did a 10k today because it was snowing and raining most of the day so I decided to push my 20 miler to tomorrow since it's meant to be sunny all day. I'm going to get to bed early tonight so that I can head out early tomorrow for the run.

I leave you with a funny video: Sh*t Ultrarunners Say. "Do you read Anton's blog?" Hilarious. Keep running!

Friday, February 10, 2012


This morning I spent my entire time working. At 1p I came back to my apartment and did Plyo Cardio Circuit (Insanity) and then took my dog to the groomers. I returned and did a 2.75m run around the City College loop (less than I wanted to do today, but it works) and then picked up my newly groomed dog. I got home and did Plyo (P90X). Not too shabby of a day.

I may have to postpone my 20 miler until Sunday since it's meant to snow/rain all day tomorrow. I'll make a game day decision. Either way I need to run at least 10k tomorrow.

I leave you with, quite possibly, the funniest moment in television history...mostly because I love Ricky Gervais and that this scene was shot in one take and was improvised. Keep running!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


So today marks my 40th day of running without missing a day. Only once have I gone 40 days in a row without missing a day. That was during my "10K a Day Until Christmas" experiment in 2010. 

That means tomorrow will mark 41 days without missing a run, which will be a record for me.

Sure, it's a small step towards my 365 day goal, but, to quote What About Bob?, "Baby steps..." 

Keep running!

martin lawrence: comic genius

Yes, I own this shirt.
Liz is on her way to Chicago for the weekend, so I am stuck home all alone. That means two things:

  1. I get to watch Martin Lawrence movies all weekend without any objections (ML movies are my guilty pleasure).
  2. I get to go on some nice long runs this weekend without feeling as if I'm abandoning my poor wife!
Yes, I will miss her...but silver linings...

Anyway, today I only got to run the City College loop (2.13m) because I had classes, had to get our tire fixed, and had to drive Liz to LaGuardia. No worries. I'll make up for the mileage this weekend.

After my morning class I did Cardio X (P90X) and the Fit Test (Insanity). After my afternoon classes I did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps (P90X) and Ab Ripper X (P90X). All in all, a pretty decent day.

I leave you with a short review of the NB Minimus Zero MR00. Can't wait to get these puppies. Keep running!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

beat the snow

Glad I decided to run earlier in the day today as I just went out to walk Sammie and it was snowing.

Didn't get around to blogging yesterday so here's the deal: did a 3.12m run around City College and did Kenpo X (P90X) and Cardio Circuit and Cardio Abs (Insanity). Had to squeeze them all between classes and meeting Liz for dinner, but I got it done!

Today was my easy day. I had a rest day for Insanity and did Stretch X for P90X. I also ran 3.24m around City College before Liz got home. I also cooked some amazing grass fed beef meatballs simmered in curry sauce over a bed of brown rice. Delicious and healthy: win/win!

Tomorrow night Liz is heading to Chicago, which means that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I'll be able to do some nice long runs. I'm aiming for 12 on Friday, 20 on Saturday, and 15 on Sunday. I need to get used to running longer distances as I have a 50k coming up and a 7m trail run the day after!

I leave you with one of my favorite Phish songs. For longer runs I'll sometimes listen to music. I only, however, listen to Phish when I run. Whenever this song comes on my pace definitely picks up. Keep running!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

no smoking

One of the biggest things I hate about running in NYC, besides the fact that I am running on the road instead of the trail, is when I go to pass a pedestrian and she or he blows a huge smoke of toxic funk out of their mouth right into my face. Smoking sucks. It's honestly one of the top 1 dumbest things you can do.

"Hey, consumer: why don't you pay between $45-$150 a month (depending on where you live) for a few relaxing minutes where you experience peace and euphoria. Oh, by the way, that peace and euphoria come at a price: you won't be able to exercise without coughing your lungs out, you will spend a large amount of money supporting this habit, your health premiums will increase, and, oh by the way, it is scientifically proven that it will give you cancer.....are you in?"


Anyway (now that I have that off my chest), today was a good day. I woke up early and did our laundry (something that was WAY overdue). I came home and did Cardio X (P90X), Cardio Resistance Circuit (Insanity), Legs & Back (P90X), and Ab Ripper X (P90X). I then ran to the post office and bank and then (actually) ran 4m, which met my "over 5K" minimum for the week.

Tomorrow I'm ready to do about 7 miles as well as my P90X and Insanity workouts in between my classes at Columbia.

I leave you with a short clip from someone who ran 50s For Yo Momma last year. This year I will be running the 50m race as my first 50 miler. It's good inspiration. 

Keep running!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Brady: Rightfully Dejected
If "misery" is defined as "the state, condition, or situation in which a Boston team loses a game," then "absolute misery" is defined as "the state, condition, or situation in which a Boston team loses a game to a New York team."

Absolutely miserable.

In other news, I worked out early this morning because Liz and I went to Princeton to watch the game with our friends Sarah, Jono, Scott, and Abby. It was a good time even though the Pats lost. Always great to catch up with good friends.

Before heading to Princeton I did Yoga X (P90X), Cardio Recovery (Insanity), and ran around the City College loop (2.1 miles). 

This week, and especially this weekend, I'm pumping up the mileage. No runs under 5k with a 20 miler on Saturday (since Liz will be out of town!).

Congrats to Hal Koerner on his win at the Rocky Raccoon 100 this weekend. Great time at 13:24! Keep running!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

weekend update

Norm. Still my favorite host
of Weekend Update
Yesterday wasn't the best. I woke up at 5.00a and was on my way to Princeton to work the entire day at the Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project. I didn't get back to my apartment in good ole Harlem until 5.30p. Needless to say I was completely wiped out. Nevertheless, I did head out for a 2.1 mile run around the City College loop. I didn't, however, do my P90X or Insanity workouts.

Today Liz and I took the subway down to City Hall and then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. We hadn't been down there yet, so it was a fun trip for us. We had coffee and brunch in DUMBO and then walked back across the Brooklyn Bridge to catch the subway home.

Once we got home I did the Plyo Cardio Circuit for Insanity and then did Back & Arms and Ab Ripper X for P90X. Afterwards I went out for a 2.1 miler around the City College loop. I'm going to head out early tomorrow for a longer run. Wish I was able to get a longer run in today...but I'll deal with it.

I'll leave you with a nice clip of Anton talking about winter running. Keep running!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

rapid fire workouts

I started today by spending the morning at Redeemer as part of my internship. It was good to get back there as I haven't been there since December. It was a good time of catching up with everyone and seeing how their holidays went.

I got home at 12.30p and had to push it. I knew I had about 4 hours of workouts to do and that Liz usually gets home around 4.30p. No time to mess about!

I started with Kenpo X (P90X) and moved right into Plyo Cardio Circuit (Insanity). Since I still felt good and it was BEAUTIFUL outside today, I decided to go for a bike ride. I rode through Harlem, around the Central Park loop, and then back up to our apartment (10 miles). I got home and saw I had enough time for a longer run today, so I caught the subway down to Central Park and ran along the bridle path for 7.5 miles (the bridle path is much easier on my knees than the God-forsaken pavement). 

All in all, it was a great day! All of my workouts felt great and I was able to push it a bit in all of them. Looking forward to the good weather predicted for the next few days!

Since I was rocking out to Bone Thugs on my iPod all day, here is a little treat. Keep running!